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Lab.ru Consulting | Information | Schedule
Region Title Datedescending City Subject
Moscow Laboratory industrial testing 17.05.05 - 20.05.04 Moscow International Specialised Exhibition
Moscow Laboratory-2004 19.10.04 - 22.10.04 Moscow II International Specialized Exhibition
Saint-Petersburg Laboratory-2004 14.09.04 - 16.09.04 St.-Petersburg III International Specialized Exhibition
Moscow Neftegaz-2004 21.06.04 - 25.06.04 Moscow 10th International Exhibition of Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industries
Moscow Medtekhnika-2004 19.04.04 - 23.04.04 Moscow 15th International Exhibition of Medical Engineering
Moscow Laboratory industrial testing 17.03.04 - 19.03.04 Moscow International Specialised Exhibition
Saint-Petersburg Laboratory-2003 11.11.03 - 14.11.03 St.-Petersburg II International Specialized Exhibition
Moscow Nauka. Nauchnye pribory-2003 20.10.03 - 24.10.03 Moscow The 7th International Exhibition of Instruments for Scientific Research
Saint-Petersburg Defectoscopy-2003 09.09.03 - 12.09.03 St.-Petersburg 4th International Exhibition on Nondestructive Testing Equipment and Devices
Moscow Khimia-2003 08.09.03 - 12.09.03 Moscow Chemistry 12th International Exhibition
Moscow 100 YEARS OF CHROMATOGRAPHY 13.05.03 - 18.05.03 Moscow 3rd Int. Symposium on Separations in BioSciencies SBS'03
Moscow MERA-2003 16.04.03 - 19.04.03 Moscow 4th Moscow International Instrument-Making and Industrial Automation Show
Moscow Laboratory industrial testing 09.04.03 - 11.04.03 Moscow International Specialised Exhibition
Moscow NDT-2003 09.04.03 - 11.04.03 Moscow Non-Destructive Testing Equipment and devices exhibition and conference
Moscow Nauka. Nauchnye pribory-2002 21.10.02 - 25.10.02 Moscow The 6th International Exhibition of Instruments for Scientific Research
Saint-Petersburg LABORATORY-2002 10.09.02 - 13.09.02 St.-Petersburg Instruments, research technologies, equipment, expendable materials.

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