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Lab.ru Consulting | Products & Prices | Lab equipment Catalogue | Lead
Number Titleascending Price, EUR Region Supplier
230530 3/153 DISC LEAD 1 - 20 MICROGRAMS 0.00 UK The Tintometer Ltd.
2905000 CONNECTING LEAD 0.00 Germany IKA Werke GmbH & Co. KG
0635600 CONNECTING LEAD 0.00 Germany IKA Werke GmbH & Co. KG
0528600 CONNECTING LEAD 0.00 Germany IKA Werke GmbH & Co. KG
41401 Detector lead 0.00 France Normalab Analis, S.A.
285216352 Ion selective indicator electrodes. Lead electrode with plug head (Ag/AgCl reference). 0.00 Germany SCHOTT Gerate GmbH
7119400 LEAD 0.00 Germany IKA Werke GmbH & Co. KG
7083000 LEAD 0.00 Germany IKA Werke GmbH & Co. KG
K430-0-11 LEAD COLLAR 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
K220-0-7 LEAD GASKET 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
K110-2P LEAD GASKET (PRECISION TYPE) 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
9417641 Lead gasket for oxidation test vessel 0.00 France Normalab Analis, S.A.
K29920 LEAD TEST PANELS 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
K35011 LEAD TEST SPECIMEN 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
K430-3-3 LEAD WASHER 0.00 USA Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
LZ-03P LZ3125A. Sulphur in Oil, Lead in gasoline and P, S, Ca, Zn in Lubricating Oil. (see LZ-11P option below) 0.00 UK Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd.
LZ-09P LZ3125A. Sulphur in Oil, Lead in leaded and unleaded Gasoline, Nickel and Vanadium in Fuel Oil 0.00 UK Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd.
LZ-02P LZ3125A. Sulphur in Oil, Lead in leaded and unleaded Gasoline. 0.00 UK Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd.
LZ-18P LZ3125X. Benchtop fuels analyser for Sulphur in Oil, Lead in leaded Gasoline (independent of additive type), Lead in unleaded Gasoline, Sulphur, Nickel and Vanadium in Fuel Oil. 0.00 UK Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd.
LZ-19P LZ3125X. Sulphur in Oil, Lead in leaded (independent of additive type) and unleaded Gasoline. 0.00 UK Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd.
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