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Lab.ru Consulting | About Lab.ru | Aims, Tasks, Contacts

Aims and tasks

Our tasks are complicated but the aims are long-range. It will be a pleasure for our company to assist you to find the necessary information and to use it to your benefit. We shall work to achieve the aim diligently because at the moment both you and we are the only ones interested. Our mutual aim is laboratory equipment. We will be grateful for your cooperation, comprehension and appreciation.


Postal address: P.O. box 15, Moscow, 119311
Phone: +7.095.937.2770
Fax: +7.095.937.2771
E-mail: lab@neolab.ru
Internet: http://www.neolab.ru/
Producer Igor S. Nechushkin (Korneev)
Manager of Project Olga V. Vasilieva
Manager Natalija I. Yur'eva
Webmaster Stanislav A. Rashevskiy

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